Target audience: McGill faculty and administrative staff
The waitlist (WL) functionality helps academic units manage students’ access to in-demand course sections equitably and transparently.
Note for sections with reserved seats: If your CRN has reserved seats, you will be prevented from adding a waitlist maximum in the “Enrollment Details” tab. You must manage a waitlist for each reserved seat rule individually (see the following section).
If your section has reserved seat rules created for it, first follow steps 1-5 above. Then, refer to the following points:
Note: it’s not always possible to achieve a 10% waitlist on all rules (ex.: rules with less than 5 seats usually should not have any waitlist spots), so you should use your best judgement when applying waitlists to CRNs with reserved seat rules.
As students drop the CRN throughout the add/drop period, students at the top of the waitlist will be invited to register for the available spots. Shortly after noon and midnight every weekday (Sunday night until Friday at noon), the waitlist process checks for available spots in the CRN and invites students from the waitlist as appropriate. Students who receive an "invitation to register" email from the Waitlist process are issued a CAPACITY registration permit, valid for 24 hrs, allowing them to register. The permit will appear as assigned by the "SFKWLAT" user (representing the waitlist process), assigned at the same time the "invitation to register" email is sent. The process also checks for expired permits and removes them from students' records.
If, at any point, the number of available seats in the CRN is greater than the number of students on the waitlist, students on the waitlist can simply drop out of the waitlist and register for the CRN directly. This is because the waitlist will only hold the number of seats necessary to satisfy the current waitlist. For example, if a CRN has a waitlist with 3 out of 5 spots, and 4 seats become available in the CRN, the waitlist will only hold 3 seats and the 4th will be made available to other students from outside the waitlist. For this reason, a waitlisted student can simply drop from the waitlist and register for that 4th seat.
There are number of ways to close a waitlist with students already in it:
* Note: reducing the WL cap to 0 indicates to the system that the section enrolment is not controlled by a WL and opens the course to other students. This means that students who had previously been on the waitlist would lose their priority and other students could get into the section before them.
Staff with Minerva Student Records Admin access can view waitlist details in Minerva > SR Admin > Catalog and Schedule Menu > Class Lists.
Students who have received an invitation to register will have a waitlist position number of “0” (zero). Students who have not yet been invited to register will have position number 1 or higher, with no information in the notification expiry column.
Note: There can sometimes be students with a ‘waitlist position’ number of 1 or higher and also a notification expiry date in the far-right column. This gives the appearance that the student was given a permit when he/she was not in position zero; however, this is caused by the student previously joining this waitlist (the student was once on the waitlist and given a permit with an expiry date, but dropped from the waitlist or failed to use the permit). The older expiry date is part of the student’s record, and when the student rejoins a waitlist it continues to show. If the student gets invited to register a second time the new expiry date will replace the older one.
Faculty can similarly view students who are on waitlists in their CRNS via the Minerva > Faculty tab > Select Course Section or Class List. They can then view class lists or waitlists that correspond to those courses they are attached to as an instructor (the view is the same as in the screen shot above).
Permit overrides may continue to be granted to students on a discretionary basis for courses that have active waitlists; for example, for a student who needs to register in a required course in his/her last term before graduation.
If the permit is granted to a student who IS NOT on the waitlist, the student should be advised to use the permit as soon as possible by using the ‘quick add’ feature in Minerva. Those students who are on the waitlist but have not yet been notified of a space in the course will be affected as they may have to wait longer for a vacancy in the course. Those students who have already received an invitation to register will be unaffected (i.e. both invited students and students given permits will be able to register, but the invited students will have a deadline to act).
If the permit is granted to a student who IS on the waitlist, the student should be advised to select the action ‘web register’ from the dropdown list attached to the CRN in his/her Registration Menu in Minerva. It is not necessary for the student to drop from the waitlist and do a simultaneous ‘quick add’.
Note: On rare occasions, the ‘web register’ command does not display after the permit has been granted. As long as the permit is still on the record, students should web drop and then quick add the CRN to register. The automated e-mail sent by the waitlist process also includes instructions for when the ‘web register’ command does not appear.