What IT services can I access after I leave McGill


Target audience: students, faculty, staff members, alumni and retirees who are leaving or have left the University

Click on a link below to find out which IT services you can continue to access, and which are deactivated after you leave McGill.

Important: For all IT systems not specifically mentioned in this article, it is the responsibility of the department to ensure that access permissions are removed upon an employee’s departure from McGill or transfer to another department. Departmental administrative assistants may contact the IT Service Desk to make such arrangements.




Students who graduate (alumni)

If you graduate and do not continue studying at McGill, your access will change as follows: 

Students who officially withdraw from the University

If you do not graduate and have officially withdrawn from McGill (i.e., you have advised us that you are not planning to return) your access will change as follows:

Students who do not officially withdraw (including postdocs)

Note: This section includes postdocs with an email address ending in @mail.mcgill.ca. If your email address ends in @mcgill.ca, please see Staff (including postdocs).

If you do not graduate and do not return to McGill (i.e., if you do not register for courses for three consecutive terms) your access will change as follows:

Faculty (including term appointments)

If you leave McGill, you access will change as follows:

Retired faculty

Note: Faculty who have an official appointment (such as a post-retirement appointment) have access to the full range of IT services, including licensed software products.

If you retire without an appointment (including Emeritus Professors and Emeritus Librarians), your access will change as follows:

For information on non-IT services and privileges available to retired / emeritus faculty and librarians, please contact the Academic Personnel Office.

Staff (including postdocs)

Note: This section includes postdocs with an email address ending in @mcgill.ca. If your email address ends in @mail.mcgill.ca, please see Students who do not officially withdraw (including postdocs).

If you leave a regular full-time administrative staff position, your access will change as follows: 

Casual staff

When a casual staff member leaves McGill, access to IT services changes as follows:

Retired staff

Your access to IT Services changes as follows:


When non-McGill affiliated staff (including hospital staff and visiting professors) leave the University, access to IT Services changes as follows:

Affiliates: In order to retain your McGill email address and access to IT services, an application/renewal form must be filled in annually by a sponsor who must be a full-time McGill faculty or staff member.