Laptop loans from AV


Target audience: McGill faculty, staff, students

Laptops are lightweight, mobile computers suitable for basic software usage (e.g. MS Office), presentations, email, and web access. These units are not designed for intensive computing.

Limited laptop computers are available for short-term loans under certain circumstances. See Eligibility requirements.

This program provides a laptop when no other options are available. It is not a replacement for the Academic Laptop Program but rather a supplement.


In this article:

Eligibility requirements

Faculty, staff, and students may be eligible for a short-term laptop loan. This table explains eligibility and loan periods:



Maximum loan period


  • The laptop model applied for and approved through the Academic Laptop Program is unavailable or
  • A Faculty Lecturer’s department no longer has any laptops available for distribution.

    Note: All departments have some laptops for distribution to Faculty Lecturers.

One month, with the possibility of renewal for another month.
  • Single or multiple laptops are needed for specific projects, field trips, research, conferences, or emergencies.
One month
  • Single or multiple laptops are needed for significant occasions (e.g., meetings, activities).
Two weeks


Staff and students


Maximum loan period

  • Single or multiple laptops are needed for specific projects, field trips, research, conferences, or emergencies.
One month
  • Single or multiple laptops are needed for significant occasions (e.g., meetings, activities).
Two weeks

Reserving and obtaining equipment

Advanced reservations are highly recommended as limited laptops are available, and requests are processed as received. McGill staff and students can make reservation requests by telephone or via the online reservation request form at least two (2) business days in advance. Go to Audiovisual Equipment Loans for location and hours of availability.

We reserve the right to limit, restrict, or reject loan requests.

Laptops offered for loan include:


There is no charge for borrowing laptops. However, the person borrowing the equipment will be held responsible for any loss or damage.

If rentals are not returned or are returned in poor operating condition, repair or replacement costs may be charged.
