Restore a previous version of a web page in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

In the Web Management System (WMS), it is possible to revert a web page to a previous version.

In this article:

Versioning in the WMS

By default, a new revision is created each time a page is edited. The number of revisions that can be saved is unlimited.

From the New Draft or Edit Draft page, you can enter a Revision log message before saving; this allows you to describe the additions or modifications made, so that the revision can be easily identified.

How to revert to a previous version of a page

  1. Access the page to be reverted by using one of the following options:
    • For Published pages:
      1. Navigate to the page using the menus, or go directly to the URL.
    • For Unpublished pages:
      1. From the site administration toolbar, click My Workbench.
      2. If the page is visible from the My Edits table or All Recent Content on the My Workbench page, simply click on the page title. Otherwise, click All Recent Content at the top of the page, and use the filters at the top of the All Recent Content page to locate the page. Click on the page title to go to the page.
  2. When viewing the page, click the Moderate tab at the top.

    The Moderate tab provides a "History" of the page, listing all the revisions that have been saved, from most recent to oldest. The list will show the Revision number, Title, 'Edited by', and the Date the page was saved. If a Revision log message was saved with the revision, it will appear below the revision Title.

    From the Moderate tab, there are several possible actions:

    • Click View, under the Revision Actions column heading within any revision row, to display that revision.
    • Click Revert to make that revision the currently published version. A prompt will appear asking for confirmation before the action is taken.
    • Click Unpublish from the row of the published revision to unpublish all versions of the page. A prompt will appear asking for confirmation.
    • Click on the Compare revisions button at the top of the Moderate tab to compare two versions of a page. Select the two versions to be compared and then click Compare.

      The HTML code for each page is shown, side-by-side, with the differences highlighted in red.
