* About: Web Management System (WMS)

Service overview | Who can use it | How to request & access | Permissions | Sign in | Cost | Availability | FAQs | Best practices & policies | Training & documentation | Support

Service overview

The McGill Web Management System (WMS) is McGill University’s primary centrally-supported web publishing platform: a content management system that provides a user-friendly, feature-rich, method of building and maintaining web pages. This service includes page layout and design consultation, as well as training and support for Site Editors, Site Managers, and Site Administrators.

Benefits of the WMS include:

Who can use this service

Representatives of official McGill administrative units, faculties, departments, research groups, and other unit/department-sponsored groups can request access to edit and manage sites within the McGill WMS.

See Roles and permissions for the McGill Web Management System for details on the different types of permissions that users with McGill credentials can request.

How to request & access

Request a new site on the WMS:

To develop a new site, fill out the request: New WMS site

Permissions to view, edit, or manage

Site Administrator, Manager, and Editor access:

All Site Administrators, Managers, and Editors must be trained on the WMS, even if they have prior experience managing websites. Courses include training on technical and content-related issues, as well as best practices and ongoing responsibilities for web publishers. See the Training & documentation section below for details.

After training, Site Administrators, Managers, and Editors must also complete the Web Services User Access Guidelines form.

View-only/ Reviewer access:

No training is required for the view-only role. To request view-only access to a site, the current Site Administrator or Site Sponsor must fill out the permissions request: WMS website permissions

Requesting permission for an existing WMS site:

After receiving the required training, the person needing access to an existing WMS site must as the Site Administrator, Director, or Manager of the unit (e.g., Site Sponsor) to fill out the request form: WMS website permissions. The requestor must specify the URL of the site and the permissions required, as well as the McGill credentials of the person who needs access.

Sign in to edit or manage a site

Once you have taken the required training and obtained your site permissions, you may use your McGill username and password to sign into your website on the WMS.


There is no cost associated with the use of the McGill Web Management System.

Any costs associated with writing, photography, video, illustrations, and other content are the responsibility of the client unit.


This service is available 24 X 7 except during scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Check the home page of the IT Support site for announcements regarding interruptions.

A list of supported web browsers is available.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'd like to use a different colour scheme than the default one. Is this allowed?
No. The branding and colour scheme are defined by McGill University’s central Communications and External Relations (CER) and applied consistently to the all WMS themes. The branding elements are subject to regular review and modification.

How wide are the pages in the McGill Web Management System?
The current WMS template uses a page width of 960 pixels.

How can I develop a custom application in the WMS?
All functionality within the WMS is developed by McGill ITS to meet the needs of the entire web publishing community. The WMS does not support custom applications. McGill ITS may develop new features and functionality only if they can be used across all WMS websites.

Best practices & policies

Training & documentation

Site Editors must complete these training courses:

Site Administrators and Managers must complete these training courses:

After training, Site Administrators, Managers and Editors must also complete the Web Services User Access Guidelines form.

Index of documentation for the McGill Web Management System: a collection of all documentation and instructions on web publishing for Site Editors and Site Managers.


WMS issues and help:

New site requests:

Permissions requests:

To report system unavailability, contact the IT Service Desk.