McGill Channels in the WMS



Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers, Channels Editors

McGill Channels is a feature of the Web Management System (WMS) that enables News and Events content to be published and displayed on McGill websites. Channels uses RSS feeds, a standard for content syndication across the web.

In this article:

What are Channels items?

There are two categories of Channels items:

Posting to Channels

All Site Managers are allowed to post Channels items on their own sites.

Site Sponsors and Site Administrators can request access for individuals representing McGill units (such as Directors, Deans, or Chairs) to post News and Events on the "Channels - Contribute" site, by filling out the form: Request/Remove Channels Permissions



  • Categories within Channels are chosen from a pre-set list. They are intended to be generic topic-driven categories that can become targeted by adding more specific tags. Although some categories still use a legacy unit-specific name, these are being phased out.
  • Create custom Tags to classify your content and make it easier to search.
  • When posting news and events items you must specify a Target Audience. This classification helps other websites pull in and display your content appropriately.
  • When creating or updating translated Channels items, make sure that matching categories are entered in both the English and French versions.

If you are interested in posting Channels items, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the documentation links below.

Viewing information

Once contributors have posted information in McGill Channels, anyone can view it wherever syndicated content is displayed, including:

Displaying Channels items on a website you manage

As a Site Manager, you can post and display Channels items on your own website. You can also import Channels items from other McGill websites and display them within blocks on your site. You can select Channels items to import by specifying a combination of:


For Channels contributors and site editors:

About RSS feeds:

About submitting a request or issue:
