One to Five column layouts in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers, Site Editors

The WYSIWYG editor in the Web Management System (WMS) provides templates that allow Body content to be arranged between one to five columns for a visually appealing layout or space-optimized layout.

Steps to format a page using column layout

  1. Place your cursor in the WYSIWYG editor window where the columns are to be added.
  2. Click the Templates icon.
  3. The Content Templates pop-up window will open.
    1. Choose between the One / Two / Three / Four / Five column layouts. Once you select a layout, it will automatically be inserted into your page.
    2. (Optional) Select Replace actual contents ONLY if you want all the pre-existing content in the page to disappear. This option is useful if you accidentally selected the wrong template when creating a new page and you are trying to replace it.
  4. Depending on the layout chosen, you will see two to five boxes appear in the WYSIWYG editor. Replace the sample text in each box, making sure to stay inside the box that appears around the text.  

    Sample three-column layout

  5. Save or Preview your page.


  • When applying several different column layouts to the same page, or when adding more content to a page containing a multi-column layout, it is recommended to insert a horizontal rule tag <hr> between each content area.
  • Once a multi-column layout has been applied in the WYSIWYG editor, it may not always be obvious where to place the cursor to insert more content above or below the template. If this is the case, click the HTML Source view button and locate the starting <div> or ending </div> tags that surround the template. Add content using HTML tags outside of the template and then switch out of the Source view back to the WYSIWYG editor view.
