Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers
Users can use galleries to display images on Web Management System (WMS) pages.
In this article:
Galleries can be used in two ways in the WMS:
- On a page: Images are displayed in a grid layout, scaled to fit the grid dimensions. The user can click on a reduced-size image (thumbnail) to view the full-size image.
- In a block: Similar to the page layout, but only a subset of the gallery images is displayed at once. Users can click a "View more..." link, which brings them to the page containing the full gallery.

Creating a gallery
To create a gallery:
- Click Create content and select Gallery.
- Enter a Title and a Description. The description is only visible to the public if the gallery is set to display in a page, not in a slideshow.
- Gallery Settings are options for how the gallery will look and behave if displayed in a grid on a page. If the gallery is used for a slideshow, skip this step.
- Number of columns and Number of rows define the horizontal and vertical dimensions for the gallery grid.
- The"Show title..." menu options are used to set the display of the image title.
- Show title on hover
- Show title below
- Show nothing
- Presentation settings: As changes are made to these settings, the layout preview at the left changes to reflect the selections:
- Allow downloading of the original image: Check this option to display a download link to users.
- These two options determine what happens when the user clicks on the thumbnail image in the gallery page:
- Show media on a full page displays the image on its own page, with its Title and Image Caption.
- Show media in a lightbox displays the image in an overlay window that allows the user to scroll to the next/previous images.
With the Lightbox option selected, choose to turn on Show title and description to also display the image's Title and Image Caption in the lightbox. When this box is checked, the layout preview changes to give you a preview of this setting.
- (optional) Blocks: Click the check box labeled Create a block of most recently added media so users can view the gallery within a block on a page. Enter the number of columns and rows for the block; this allows for the display of a subset of the full gallery within the block and gives users a View more link to access the full gallery.
- In the Menu settings tab, check the box labeled Provide a menu link for the gallery to appear in the Main menu. Enter the Menu title and a Description that will appear when users mouse over the menu item; select the Parent item and Weight as for any web page.
- Click Save. By default, the gallery is saved as a Draft; set the Moderation state to Published for it to be visible to users.
The gallery is created but contains no images yet. Follow the Adding images to a gallery procedure.

Adding images to a gallery
When a gallery is first created, it is empty.
To add images to a gallery:
- The simplest way to add images to it is by navigating to the gallery node and clicking the Add media link.
- Depending on which browser is being used, multiple images can be uploaded by dragging the files from a computer to the Select a File window. If a browser does not support this feature, click the + Add files button at the bottom of the file list box.
If a wrong file is added accidentally, it can be removed from the list by clicking the red icon, which appears at the right of each image.
Note: If an image has already been uploaded, it can be located and selected from the Library tab. If the image is on another web page, click the Web tab and enter the URL.
- Once image files have been added to this window, click Start upload (at the bottom of the file list). Alternatively, click the Next button at the bottom of the window.
The images should now appear in the gallery, but their metadata (title, description, etc.) have not been set.
- Click on each gallery thumbnail image and select Edit from the contextual links menu (the gear icon) in the upper-right corner.

Enter the image properties/metadata as when inserting an image on a page. Note that gallery images contain additional metadata, such as slideshow caption and link, which are not present when adding images from the WYSIWYG editor on a page.
- Name: Enter an identifying image name here to override the filename, which appears by default. The Name text is used to construct the File title if that field is left blank below.

- Replace file: To change the image, click Choose File and upload another image of the same file type.
- Image Caption: This is only displayed when an image is inserted in the WYSIWYG editor on a page, and the Caption display option is selected.
- Alt Text: This text is read aloud when screen readers are used by visually impaired visitors.
- Title Text: This Title text appears when the user mouses over the image in the gallery view; if left blank the text "View larger image" appears instead.
- Credit: The name of the photographer/artist can be added; however, this information is not displayed publicly.
- File title: If this is left empty, the default File title is based on the image Name. Depending on the Gallery Settings selected when the gallery was created, the File title may appear below the gallery image at all times, only when the user mouses over the image in gallery view, or never.
Depending on the Presentation Settings selected for the gallery (either "Show media on a full page" or "Show media in a lightbox" with the check box "Show title and description" selected), the File title for each image appears above the image when it is viewed in a lightbox or on its own page. - License settings for the image: Choose the copyright license information that corresponds to the image; this tells others how the image can be used.
- Click Save at the bottom of the window.
- (optional) Reposition the images within the grid on the Gallery page. To change the position of any images within the gallery, click near the top of the image (within the blue bar that appears) and drag it to another location, then release the mouse.

Creating a French version of a gallery
Do not create two galleries in order to create an English and a French slideshow, unless they are going to be placed on unrelated pages. Instead, translate the English gallery and the images captions.
To translate the gallery:
- Click the Translate tab.
- Click add translation on the French line.
- Translate the English Title and Description.
- Click Save.
- Translate each image of the gallery. Hover over the top right corner of an image and click on the gear icon.
- Click Translate.

- Click add on the French line.

- Replace the English captions with French captions.