Add a file to a page in the WMS



Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers, Site Editors

Many file types can be inserted into pages in the Web Management System (WMS) including audio files, images, documents, and videos.

In this article:

For additional instructions on how to add an audio or video file, see the article Add video and animation into your page.

Upload and insert a new file

  1. Go to the page where you want to insert the file and click the New draft or Edit draft tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Body section and position your cursor in the WYSIWYG editor where you want the new file to appear and click the Media browser button from the toolbar.  

    Click Add Media

  3. Browse for the file and click Upload.
  4. The file name now appears in the Select a file window. Click Next.

    NOTE: Do NOT click Cancel. Even though the file seems to be uploaded, the file path that is seen is only temporary until you complete all the steps to fully embed the file on the page. You must click Next. Only click Cancel if you wish to terminate the upload entirely.

  5. The Embedding window opens.
    NOTE: The Display as and Description fields do not have any effect.
    You can specify the following:
    1. File title: This will become the link text. 
      Note: the filename will still appear unchanged in the WYSIWYG editor, but the File title will display as expected when you view as Preview, View Draft, or Published.
    2. License settings for this file: Select the type of copyright license associated with the file.
    3. Make sure to click Submit at the bottom of the window to complete the file insertion.
    4. Click Save at the bottom of the page to apply your changes to the page.

Inserting documents following the steps above will include an icon in front of your document, which is recommended as the icon indicates the type of document (e.g., PDF).


However, if you prefer to display the link to the file without the document icon next to it, double-click the embedded file link in the WYSIWYG editor to copy the URL and create a link as usual with the copied URL; you can then delete the link with the icon.

Note: If you change your mind about the File title after saving, you must delete and re-insert the file to the page following the instructions below.

Insert a file that was already uploaded to your site:

  1. Go to the page where you want to insert the file and click the New draft or Edit draft tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Body section and position your cursor in the WYSIWYG editor where you want the file to appear and click the Media browser button from the toolbar.
  3. Click the Library tab. The Library window displays all files that have been previously uploaded to your site and can be filtered by Type.
  4. Click the file you want to insert into your page and then click Submit at the bottom of that window.
  5. The Embedding window opens; (see step 5 in Upload and insert a new file above to select the display options and set the metadata for the file).
  6. Click Submit at the bottom of the Embedding window to insert the file into the Body of your page.
  7. Click Save at the bottom of your page to save the changes to your page.

Manage files throughout your website

Only Site Administrators and Site Managers have the ability to manage (i.e., add, edit, delete) all files on a site via My Workbench > File List tab. See Managing files in the WMS.
