Translate a page in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

The Web Management System (WMS) supports the translation of English pages into French and vice-versa.

The Translate feature allows for the creation of new pages in French (or English if applicable) that are either part of a "translation set" or associated with an existing page as a translation. In order to easily access English or French subpages, the site's home page should already have an English and French version published before translating and publishing other pages.

  1. Access the Translate interface of a page by using one of the following options:
    • For Published pages, go to the page and select the Translate tab.
    • For un-Published pages:
      1. From the Administration toolbar, click My Workbench.
      2. Find the page.
      3. Click the edit link at the end of the page row.
      4. Click the Translate tab at the top of the page.
  2. The Translations table displays the Language, Title, and Status information of that page. If there is no existing translation, click on add translation in the Operations row.


    The instructions and example below show how to add a French translation of a page from a pre-existing English page. The instructions for adding a translation in a different language (e.g., French to English) are exactly the same.
  3. Fill in the following fields, keeping in mind to match the English version of the page as much as possible.
    • Title: This should be the translation of the page title. By default, the English page title will appear.
    • Body: Enter the translated content here. By default, the WYSIWYG editor copies over all the English page content so that it does not have to be reformatted.
    • Tags: Enter the translated tags here.
    • Notes: Enter notes about the page (optional).
    • Language: Verify that this is set to French (or English, as the case may be).
    • Menu link title: This is the page title in the menu structure. Keep it short and simple. If you are translating your Home page, leave this field blank.
    • Parent item: Leave this blank unless you are creating a subpage of an already translated page. Pages in a different language are disabled by default, so you cannot add them as a Parent page.
    • Weight: Leave blank for now. The weight of the page can be set later to make it appear higher or lower in the French menu structure, irrespective of alphabetical order.
  4. The Alt text and Title of any images that were copied over from the English page must be entered in the translated language.
  5. Upload and/or insert French versions of files or videos to replace the English versions copied over.
  6. Click the Save button once you have finished making changes. 
