Webform component types in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

Webforms in the Web Management System (WMS) include different sets of options for each type of form component (field).

Note: To impose special formatting or rules for the data users can enter into a component, see the Form Validation section of Create a webform in the WMS.

When adding each component to your form, you need to specify general information (e.g., key, label that appears on the form), as well as component-specific options (e.g., layout options). Each field on the component setup page includes embedded help text to guide you.

This article provides supplemental information where needed.

In this article:

Choose a component type for details:

General fields/options that apply to most components

The following are present on many webform components:


Allows the user to enter a date, formatted to your specifications.



This component is used to designate a group of related components.

Note: The form components in the group under the fieldset must be indented to show properly. Drag the component to the right to indent.


Use this component to allow users to upload a file.


This can be used with Number fields to display the results of computations.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Formula component, see Webform Calculator (Formula) module.


This component can be used to create a survey in which all the questions are answered by selecting from 1 to 5.

For detailed instructions on how to use advanced Grid features, see Advanced Grid in the WMS


Use this component to include information in the submitted form that is not visible to the user. For example, use hidden fields to add token values, such as the authenticated user's name, department, the date, etc.

Layout Box

Allows components to be grouped and displayed horizontally or vertically.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Layout Box component, see Webform Layout Box in the WMS

Limited select options

A limit to the number of times an option can be selected can be set and once that limit is reached, it is no longer available.


This is used to provide a field for the user to enter a URL.


This component allows you to place formatted HTML code within the body of your form. For example, it could be used to add elements such as static text, images, tables, etc.


This component can be used to create a matrix/table of form components that can include textfields, select options, labels, and/or dates.

The matrix component is useful for creating order forms or registration forms, where the user can enter multiple line items, all having the same parameters. A single-row matrix can be used to simply keep related form components all together on one line.

Example of a matrix used within an order form:

order form

Caveats for the Matrix component:


This field type is restricted to numerical entries. It should not be used for phone numbers.

Page break

For long forms, or questionnaires and quizzes, it is possible to insert page breaks to allow the user to focus on one or more questions without seeing the entire form on a single page.

Select options

This type of component allows you to provide the user with several options from which to choose. It can be either a single-select or multi-select list.


This type of text box is used for potentially long responses, such as a description of a problem, or a comment. It allows for multiple lines and provides scrolling arrows.


A textfield is used to enter short text that can fit on one line.


Allows the user to enter a time, formatted to your specifications.

Webform Submission

This can be used to show the results of one webform in another webform.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Webform submission component, see Adding the results of a webform submission to another webform in WMS.
