Create a webform in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

Web-based forms can be created in the Web Management System (WMS) to serve a wide variety of needs such as collecting information for questionnaires, requests, event registrations, and other purposes.

In this article:


IMPORTANT: Security concerns when using Webforms

Misuse of the Webform module can pose security risks. Please read Webform security considerations before using Webforms

Webform results should be downloaded regularly. Data stored on the Webform under the Results tab automatically expires after 40 days. Please see the article Viewing and downloading results of webform submissions in the WMS for more information about how to manage your webform results.

Creating the form

  1. After signing into the site, click Create content > Webform
  2. Enter a Title for the form.
  3. In the Body section, enter a brief description or introductory text that will appear at the top of the form.

    Webforms body text

  4. Optional: Other configuration options (e.g., menu links, XML sitemap, URL path settings etc.) are documented in the KB article Create a page in the WMS
  5. Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save your new (empty) form and follow the steps below to add components. 

Add components / fields

After you save a newly created form, click on the WEBFORM tab; the Form components screen is displayed by default.

Basic steps to add a component:

  1. In the box that says New component name, enter the label that you want to appear next to the new component.
  2. Choose the Type of component you want to add from the dropdown list.
  3. If the user will be required to fill this field, put a check in the Required box.
  4. Click the Add button to add the new component.

    Webforms form components

  5. The screen will change to reveal additional settings for the component type you have selected. Check the help text under each field to configure the settings.
    View Webform component types in the WMS for an overview of the component types available and their specific settings.

Rearrange components

Once you have several components on your form it will look like the screenshot below. To rearrange the order in which components appear on the form, click the four-pointed arrow icon next to a component and drag it to a different position.

Webforms rearrange components

Configure the email generated upon submission

When users submit the form, an email message can be generated and sent to specific recipients. Follow the steps in this article to set up email.

After the user submits the form, a confirmation page can be displayed to let them know it was submitted successfully. See this article for instructions. 

Total submissions limit: Use this setting to limit the total number of submissions of the form (e.g., for a registration form, where space is limited); otherwise keep the default of Unlimited.


IMPORTANT: 40-day retention when used with total submission limits

There is a 40-day data retention period for submission data, so any submissions older than 40 days are automatically removed. If your form is expected to be active longer than 40 days and you are using the total submissions limit, it is suggested that you manually download and remove submissions, and adjust the limit every few weeks; otherwise, as items are removed automatically, the limit will not be respected.

Per user submissions limit: Use this setting to limit the number of times each user can submit the form (e.g., for completing surveys, where each user should only submit once); otherwise keep the default of Unlimited.


IMPORTANT: 40-day retention when used with per user submission limits

There is a 40 day data retention period for submission data, so any submissions older than 40 days are automatically removed. If your form is expected to be active longer than 40 days, the per user submission limit will not work to identify multiple submissions by a user.

Status of this form: The form can be closed for submissions, while keeping it published for authorized users to view results.

Other form settings

Click the Form settings button at the top of the WEBFORM tab to access additional settings:

Form validation

To ensure that users enter values in a specific way, validation rules can be assigned to specific components of the form.

  1. Click the Form validation button at the top of the WEBFORM tab.
  2. Select the validation rule that should be applied.
  3. All web components to which that rule can be applied are displayed. Enter a name for the rule and choose the components to which the rule should be applied.

    form validation

If a user attempts to submit a form that violates the validation rules, the form will not be submitted and an error message will be displayed.

Modifying a web form


Modifying a published webform is not recommended.

Avoid corrupting Webform data by cloning

When site managers change Webform components that include previous submissions, the previous submissions will be updated with the changes. In some cases, data will be deleted.

Beware of:

Deleting or editing an existing form would negatively affect data in most cases. Adding new options or components would create fewer issues but is nevertheless, not recommended.

If changing components or deleting options is required, cloning the web form – which would create a new underlying data set – is recommend in order to prevent corruption of previous submissions. 

Cloning Webforms

  1. Go to My Workbench 
  2. Find the webform you would like to clone
  3. When your webform is found, click Clone under Actions.

    Clone webform

Note: It is not possible to clone a form from one site to another; you must recreate the form manually if you wish to have the same form on a different site.
