Tagging content in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers, Site Editors

Classifying your content in the Web Management System (WMS) using tags is not only beneficial to your visitors when they do a search, but also to you. You can filter your site's content in My Workbench, making it easier for you to find content you've tagged.

Tags can also be used to limit the number of items appearing in blocks, since you can set up a block to only display Channels items that use specific tags.

In this article:

Add tags to a Basic Page, Article, McGill Profile, or Channels item

  1. If you are editing or creating a Basic Page, Article, McGill Profile, or Channels item, you will see a Tags field.
  2. Start typing a keyword and a list of tags used for other content on your website will appear. (This list can be edited. See the Manage tags in Taxonomy section of this article.) Choose a tag from the list or enter a new keyword you would use to describe the contents of that page/article. Keep in mind that the purpose of the tag is to allow users to quickly identify similar content across your site.    
  3. Click Save.


Tags are not visible on Basic Pages or McGill Profiles. Tags do appear on Articles and Channels items. You will find them at the bottom of the page. They are visible to all readers and clickable to find content with the same tags.

Example of a Channels event:


Example of an Article:

tags shown

Edit or remove tags

  1. Sign in to the site and access the content where you wish to edit or remove tags.
  2. Scroll down to the Tags field and delete, add, or change tags.
  3. Click Save.

Manage tags in Taxonomy (for Site Administrators only)

Site Administrators have the ability to edit, add, and delete taxonomy tags (also referred to as 'terms') in a vocabulary to properly classify content on a website.

Add a new tag to a site

  1. Go to Structure > Taxonomy (or go to mcgill.ca/sitename/admin/structure/taxonomy).
  2. Click on add terms for the vocabulary that you would like to update.


  1. Enter the tag name in the Name field.
  2. Optional: add a description in the Description field.
  3. Optional: to organize the tags on the Tags administration page, you can relate it to an existing tag. Click Relations and select a tag in the Parent terms list.
  4. A tag has its own page listing any content that includes that tag. The URL of the page is mcgill.ca/sitename/category/tags/tag name. An alternative URL can be specified in the URL alias field.
  5. Click Save. It will now appear in the list of tags.

Reorder existing tags on your site

By default, tags appear in alphabetical order. From your main Tags page, you can:

Make sure to click Save once you are finished reorganizing your tags.



Creating relations between tags is only for organization purposes. In the WMS, hierarchical tags have no functional effect but grouping tags can be useful to make them more manageable.

Click on a tag to view the tag page listing any content that includes that tag. 

Edit existing tags on your site

When you edit a tag, it will automatically be updated on the pages/items where it's being used.

  1. Go to Structure > Taxonomy (or go to mcgill.ca/sitename/admin/structure/taxonomy).
  2. Click on List terms beside Tags.
  3. Click on the edit link to the right of the tag you want to modify.


  4. Make any desired changes, then click Save.

Delete a tag on your site

When you delete a tag, it will also be removed from any existing pages or items on your site that were using it. However, the tag could be recreated if it’s included in a Channels item that's imported into your site. When users import Channels items, tags attached to those items get imported as well and are automatically added to the site list of Taxonomy tags.

  1. Go to Structure > Taxonomy (or go to mcgill.ca/sitename/admin/structure).
  2. Click on List terms beside Tags.
  3. Click on the edit link to the right of the tag you want to delete.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Delete, then click Delete again on the confirmation page.

Bulk delete tags on your site

  1. Click Bulk Operations in the admin menu to go to the Tag Wrangler.
  2. Use the search options to filter for specific tags if necessary.
  3. Select the checkbox beside the Tag Name you wish to delete.
  4. Under OPERATIONS, select Delete item from the drop-down options.
  5. Click the Execute button.

You can also edit existing tags on your site or delete a tag on your site by clicking the edit link beside each tag in the Tag Wrangler.

Download a list of tags on your site in CSV format

Click the CSV button in the Tag Wrangler to download a csv file containing your tags.

Best practices for tagging web content

The purpose of tagging content is to associate content that is similar in nature and make it easier for audiences to find the content that interests them. With this in mind, here are some best practices:
