Add RSS feeds to WMS sites with the Feed Aggregator


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

The Feed Aggregator in the Web Management System (WMS) allows displaying RSS feeds from external websites or McGill Channels within WMS pages.

RSS feeds created through the Feed Aggregator are treated as Blocks that can be configured and placed in any of the designated block regions on a site. When users click on the title of a feed posting, they are brought directly to the full posting on the original site.

In this article:

Adding RSS feeds using Feed Aggregator

To add an RSS feed to a WMS page:

  1. Click Configuration in the main administrative toolbar
  2. Click Feed Aggregator. The List tab displays any feeds that have been added
  3. Click the + Add feed link
  4. Enter the Title of the feed and its URL. The URL must be a valid RSS, RDF, or Atom link.

    Note: The "Update interval" setting has no effect; it can be ignored and left at the default value. All feeds are automatically updated once daily overnight. As a result, the "Next Update" column in the "Feed overview" should be disregarded.

  5. Select the number of News items that should be displayed in the block
  6. Click Save
  7. Click the Settings tab to adjust the maximum number of feed items that will display at one time, how long to keep feed items and other global settings for the feeds

Displaying multiple feeds in a single block

You can group feeds in a single block by assigning them to the same category.

To assign an RSS feed to a category:

  1. On the List tab, click + Add Category to create a category.
  2. Return to the List tab and click edit next to the feed.
  3. Under Categorize news items, place a checkmark next to the appropriate category, and click Save.

    Note: A feed can be added to multiple categories.

  4. If any items are listed for the existing feed that was categorized, click remove items twice. Next, click update items. The items will now display in the new category. 

Configuring blocks

For steps to configure and position the resulting feed or feed category block, see Manage blocks in the WMS
