Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers, Site Editors
The My Workbench feature, accessible from the administrative menus in the top left corner of the Web Management System (WMS), allows you to view the entire contents of your website. Site Administrators and Site Managers can view, edit, clone, or delete existing content, and create new content from this interface. Site Editors can only view and edit content; they cannot create new content, clone, or delete.
In this article:
The MY CONTENT tab contains two listings:
Click All Recent Content at the top of the page (or view all at the bottom of the All Recent Content list) and you are presented with a page that allows you to access all the content of your site, no matter how old. Use the Title, Type, Published, Language, and Tags fields at the top to filter the list of items. You can also adjust the number of items displayed per page.
The first column in the list contains the unique Node ID of each piece of content. Other columns in the All Recent Content list, include the Title, Type, Status, Language, Last Updated By, Last Updated, and Actions. You can sort the list by clicking on any of these column headings.
The Last Updated By column reflects the last person who made a change to the moderation state of the page, i.e., either by editing it, publishing it, or both.
Click the CREATE CONTENT tab when you want to add new content to your site.
Click the BLOCKS tab to view and edit the blocks you have access to on the site.
Note: Site Editors do not have access to blocks.
Click the FILE LIST tab to view and manage the files you have uploaded to the site.
Click the MY DRAFTS tab to view content that you have saved as a draft. Click on the page title to view its contents. From here you can also choose to change the status of any of these pages to either Needs Review or Published.
Click the NEEDS REVIEW tab to view content that you have put into the Needs Review status. Click on the page title to view its contents. From here you can also choose to change the Moderation State of any of these pages to either Draft or Published.