Managing files and images in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

Site managers in the Web Management System (WMS) can view, edit the properties (metadata), and delete files and images from one central location: My Workbench > File List tab.

In this article:

File list tab

This page lists all references to files that have been uploaded to your site. The list also includes references to files that are located on external websites (e.g., YouTube URLs).

Finding and viewing a file or image

Editing a file or image

Click the Edit tab (or click Edit in the File List) to change the metadata associated with the file (Name, Alt Text, Image Caption, Description, etc.)



There is a field called Replace file but you cannot replace/overwrite images or files from the File List page. If you want to change the contents of the file, you will need to delete it and insert another file from within the node (page, gallery, webform, etc.) where you want it to appear and re-enter the metadata associated with the new version. Any time you upload a new version of an image or file, the path changes and you will need to update any links that reference it.

Deleting a file or image

Click the Delete tab (or click Delete in the File List) to completely remove the file from the site. You are prompted to confirm this action, which cannot be reversed.



Deleting a file from the File List page, removes it from the site and removes all instances from the table. However, you will need to edit each node that referenced that file to ensure that the references are removed, otherwise you will end up with broken links.

File usage

Click on the Usage tab to view the page (or gallery) that references it.



The Translate tab can be ignored because the functionality to set default translations for a file’s meta data does not work. Translations for meta data (e.g., Alt tags, image captions, etc.) should be added to the file through the WYSIWYG editor on the page where it is in use.
