Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers, Channels Events editors, Channels News editors
In this article:
The procedures for posting News and Events are virtually the same; the main difference is that you must specify a start and end date/time for an event, but a news item only needs to display the date of publishing. You can also specify a location for an event, whereas a news item is not associated with a location.
Site Administrators and Site Managers can create Channels Events and News on their sites. They may also give Channels Events editor or Channels News editor status to other users; this status also allows users to create items.
To create a channel item:
The time is formatted based on the 24-hour military time (e.g., 1:00 pm is 13:00).
You can check the box labeled All Day for events that last all day or span multiple days; in this case time fields do not display.
The Promoted to front page option appears by default but is non-functional for Channels items, therefore it is not listed in the instructions below.
To change the details of an event or news item, it must be edited on the source site.
If the item was distributed to the Channels hub, once the item has been updated and saved, it will also be updated on the hub and on other sites where it was imported.
To update a Channels item in the WMS:
Note: If you have updated the Category field of an item with an associated translation, avoid having items with mismatched categories by making sure to update the Category field in both the English and French versions.