FAQs for students using myCourses


Target audience: Students

This article contains a list of the most common questions students ask about myCourses.

In this article:


How can I confirm that my assignment was received?
There are a number of ways to verify that your assignment was received:

I submitted my assignment but my instructor didn't get it. What should I do?
If you did not get a confirmation email when you submitted and you do not see the file when you click View History, it is likely that you did not click the Submit button after uploading your assignment. Contact your instructor and ask them if you can submit again.



How do I start a new Forum or Topic?
Only instructors and teaching assistants can create new forums and topics.

Why can't I post any messages?
Your instructor did not create any topics.

I see a topic! Why can't I post any messages in it?
It is likely that this is a forum NOT a topic. Ask your instructor to create an open topic. It could also be that the topic is locked, or your instructor has set up the topic so that he/she must approve all messages before they are shown.

How do I attach files to my posts?
Click the Add a File button.

How do I insert images in my posts?
Click the Insert Picture icon in the toolbar at the top of the text box.

How do I embed a video in my posts?
Click the Insert Stuff icon, then click YouTube. Search for and select the desired video.


How can I get access to group discussions or assignments?
You must be enrolled in a group. If your instructor is using self-enrolment, follow the instructions for Enrolling yourself in a group. If you do not see a link for Groups on the navigation bar, contact your instructor.


I signed up for a course, but it doesn't appear on the My Home page. Why?
Click the name of the current Semester or Department in the My Courses widget to make sure neither of these areas are collapsed. Check the start date for the course and check your registration in Minerva to ensure that you are enrolled in the course. If you are still not enrolled after 24h, contact the IT Service Desk.


Is there a mobile version of myCourses?
Yes. See Mobile interface for myCourses for more information.


How do I hide or remove Announcements?
Click the X icon beside an announcement to dismiss it. 
Click the arrows at the top right corner of the Announcements widget to collapse the widget.

How do I go back and see announcements I dismissed?
Click the word Announcements at the top of the Announcements widget. 


My quiz attempt did not get properly submitted and the status says "In Progress". How can make sure it gets submitted?
Refer your instructor to the instructions for Submitting a quiz attempt in progress.

The Submit button won't work when I try to submit my quiz. Help!
Save all your answers and close your browser. Then go back to the quiz in myCourses and click the Continue Quiz ... link.

My computer or browser crashed while I was taking a quiz. Help!
Go back to the quiz in myCourses and click the Continue Quiz ... link.

How do I see the answers for a quiz?
If your instructor has enabled students to see the answers for a quiz, click the arrow beside the quiz and select Submissions. If you do not see this option or it does not show the answers, contact your instructor.
