Adding the results of a webform submission to another webform in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

In the Web Management System (WMS), you can add the results of one webform to another webform by using a form component type called "webform submission."

Show the results of webform #1 in webform #2

In the Form components of webform #2, add a Webform Submission component that will import the results from webform #1:

  1. Add the label
  2. Under TYPE select Webform Submission
  3. Click Add
  4. On the selected page, scroll down to the WEBFORM SUBMISSION REFERENCE section and in the Webform node list, select the form you want to import the results of the submissions from (webform #1). The components of webform #1 will appear. Add a checkmark next to the components that you want to display.
    • You can drag and drop components up or down in the list to change the order.
  5. If a choice needs to be made in webform #1, you can display only the submissions for a specific choice.
    1. Click FILTER SUBMISSIONS. The webform #1 components with a choice will display.
    2. Select an option.
  6. Save the component.
  7. The results from webform #1 now appear in webform #2.
