Forward McGill email from Microsoft Office 365 to another email address


Target audience: students, alumni and retirees.

Staff and faculty members are allowed to forward McGill email only to another McGill email account.

Although it is not recommended, students, alumni and retired staff are allowed to forward their McGill email to another mail service. The preferred way to deal with multiple email accounts is to configure your device to have them all delivered in separate Inboxes. See Options for dealing with multiple email services.

In this article:


  • Active faculty and staff members are not permitted to forward McGill email to a non-McGill email service; this would be a violation of the Policy on the Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources.
  • If you forward your McGill email, there is a chance that you will not receive it at the forwarded email address. This is because some email providers do not accept forwarded email due to strict spam filtering. Be sure to select the option to "Keep a copy of forwarded messages" to ensure you don't lose any McGill mail messages.
  • Any Junk mail settings made on your McGill email account in Outlook (e.g., Junk mail filter levels or Blocked/Safe senders) will have no effect on mail that is forwarded.

Begin forwarding your mail from Microsoft 365 to another destination

  1. Go to the web interface at; sign in using your McGill Username and Password
  2. Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner.

  3. Under the Mail settings, click Forwarding.
  4. Check the box labeled Enable forwarding, and enter the email address to which you want your mail forwarded.

    Be sure to also check the box labeled Keep a copy of forwarded messages.

  5. Click Save.

Your mail should begin forwarding to the address you specified. You may want to do a test to see if mail sent to your McGill mail account is received at the forwarded account; if not, it may mean that the external mail provider does not accept forwarded messages.


Although the option is called "Forwarding" it behaves as if it were a "redirect", in that the "From" field contains the name of the original sender, rather than your own name.

Turn off forwarding

  1. Go to the web interface at; sign in using your McGill Username and Password.
  2. Clear the Settings gear icon in the top right corner.
  3. Under the Mail settings, select Forwarding.
  4. Uncheck the box labeled Enable forwarding.
  5. Click Save.