* Index of IT training courses


Target audience: Most of the IT training courses offered are for faculty and staff members. However, students and affiliates may register for certain courses if required (Examples: WMS 300/301). 

This short course on cybersecurity essentials will give you tips and tricks to protect yourself and your personal data. From identifying phishing scams to sharing files online, we'll show you how to stay one step ahead of hackers.

We're excited to offer you the resources you need to stay ahead of the game. You'll find a variety of short training modules that you can interact with at your own pace. We'll prepare you to identify and prevent cyber attacks, safeguard your personal and financial information, and keep McGill secure.

In this article:

AVAILABLE NOW: New online Cyber Security Essentials Training for faculty, staff, and students

Consult Cyber Security Essentials Training for more information.


IMPORTANT: How to register / cancel

Visit the IT training calendar on the IT Services website to view available sessions. Click on a session that interests you and follow the registration instructions. Read instructions on how to register via Minerva. If you are unable to attend the workshop you are scheduled for, please cancel your registration so that someone else may attend.

Courses by topic (instructor-led)

Admin & Productivity Tools


Training is also provided by Financial Services and Analysis, Planning and Budget.

Communication and Collaboration Tools

Content Management

Web Services

Other Training

Training for Microsoft and other applications:

Online training (self-paced via myCourses)

IMPORTANT: Prerequisites

Please note that participating in all the OLC courses below require you to first complete GEN 300.

Some courses require additional prerequisites. To facilitate registration, they are indicated next to the course's name below. Click on the the course's name to view the course's description page.

You can register to multiple courses at once but GEN 300 or any additional prerequisites must be completed BEFORE attending a course.

video Online documentation

Self-serve documentation resources


Other courses for employees at McGill

IT Services collaborates with Human Resources and the School of Continuing Studies on other IT and general staff development courses:

External training recommendations