Service overview
Sway is a Web-based presentation tool, part of Microsoft 365. Use Sway to create and share content internally with your colleagues, or to publish on a public Web site. Sway allows you to focus on your content (text, images, and other media such as YouTube video and embedded code) without worrying about formatting; Sway’s built-in design engine makes your presentation professional-looking and interactive on all viewing platforms (laptops, tablets, and mobile devices).

These are just a few ideas of what you can create in Sway:
- ePortfolio
- school projects/assignments
- newsletters
- resumes
- personal stories
- reports
- tutorials
- business presentations
Sway also allows you to edit your presentations with multiple people simultaneously. You decide who can edit, and you can see who is currently editing your presentation.
In addition to the Web-based version, a Sway app is available for Windows 10 and iOS; Android and Windows Phone apps are currently in development.

Who can use it?
McGill faculty, students, and staff can use Sway.

How to request & access
For McGill faculty, students, and staff:
- Log into the Microsoft 365 portal at
- Enter your McGill Username and Password

There is no cost for this service.

This service is available 24 X 7. It requires an Internet connection to manage the content.

Frequently asked questions
- Which systems support the Sway app? The Sway app is available for iOS and Windows 10. Sway apps for Android and Windows phones are currently in development.
- Where are the Sway presentations saved?
Once you enter content in a Sway presentation, it is saved automatically on Microsoft’s server and is tied to your Microsoft Office account. - How do I duplicate or delete my Sway presentation?
- From the Sway homepage, find your Sway presentation
- Click the More Options button, located in the top right corner of the Sway presentation picture
- Click on the document icon to duplicate your Sway presentation
- From the Duplicate this Sway window, overwrite the existing name with a new name
- Click Duplicate
- Either click Edit it now to make changes to the duplicate Sway file or click Go to My Sways
- Can I restore a deleted Sway presentation?
Yes, you have 30 days. To restore a deleted Sway presentation:
- From the Sway homepage, click Deleted
- Put a check next to the Sway file you want to restore
- Click Restore
- You will see the file on the Sway homepage

Best practices & policies
- Never give your McGill credentials to another person to allow them access to your OneDrive space or for any other reason. This violates the Policy on the Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources.
- Only share your Sway files with people you know and trust. When sharing a link to your Sway, be sure to specify who can access the link. If you simply "Share a link" without specifying the Permissions, the link to your Sway will be accessible to anyone with the link. To learn more about sharing Sways, check out this Microsoft Support article.

Training & documentation
Online videos

For sign-up/access issues, contact the IT Service Desk.