Meta tags in the WMS


Target audience: Site Administrators, Site Managers

The Meta tags feature in the Web Management System (WMS) is used to specify metadata that describes what a web page is about. Meta tags only appear in the HTML source code of a page and are useful for improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which helps visitors find relevant content through search tools. Meta tags also help to define what, as well as how, information from a web page should display when shared on social media.

In this article:

Content types that use Meta tag

The Meta tags feature can be accessed when creating or editing these content types:

Some meta tag fields will already be configured with default tokens. A token automatically inserts existing information from the page into the tag. However, Site Administrators or Site Managers can customize these configurations to meet their needs. For instance, when sharing a page to Facebook, a meta tag can be used to specify the URL of the image that should be displayed as the featured image in the Facebook post.

Updating Meta tags

The example below will use a Basic Page.

  1. Click the New draft tab
  2. Scroll towards the bottom of the page and click the Meta tags tab
  3. There are four main sets of meta tags:

    Basic Tags

    • Standard meta tags, e.g., <meta name="description" content="This is a brief meta description of this website." />

    Advanced Tags

    • Further specialized meta tags and settings

    Open Graph

    • Meta tags developed for content shared through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn) and identifiable by og: property attributes, e.g., <meta property="og:site_name" content="Desautels Faculty of Management" />

    Twitter Card

    • Meta tags developed for content shared through Twitter and identifiable by twitter: name attributes, e.g., <meta name="twitter:title" content="Desautels Faculty of Management" />
    • A Twitter Card is a preview of a URL that has been tweeted; different Twitter Card type meta tags can be used to generate different types of Twitter Cards (e.g., Summary Card, Summary Card with Large Image, Photo Card, etc.)
    • Note: Twitter will use Open Graph tags instead if there are no Twitter Card meta tags provided for the page
  1. Click on the heading of each set of tags to expand the section and see the corresponding fields or options. For example, clicking on Basic Tags exposes the fields associated with basic tags.

    Note: Below each field is a brief explanation of its purpose.
  1. Some meta tag fields will be pre-populated by tokens. Click Browse available tokens to see the token descriptions. The tokens can be replaced with any desired custom text.

    Note: If there is no need to customize, the default tokens should be sufficient.
  1. Click Save after making any updates to the meta tags.

Best practices and recommendations

Numerous fields are available for the Meta tags feature but many may be too specialized for the needs of most pages in the WMS. Therefore, below are high-level recommendations for the various types of tags and the ones that should be of most interest to the average Site Administrator or Site Manager.

Basic Tags

Advanced Tags

Open Graph

Twitter Card

Testing meta tags

Online tools are available to preview how information on publicly accessible pages will look on Google or social media platforms using applicable meta tags:
