Microsoft Outlook Training


Target audience: Instructor-led training workshops are intended for staff members. 

This course teaches tips and tricks for using Microsoft Outlook tools to improve productivity and efficiency.

Outlook tips and tricks (COL 105)

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 2.5 hours

Course format: Workshop/Demonstration

Course material (Before accessing the documents, you may be prompted to sign in using your McGill Username and McGill Password.)

Course content

Microsoft Outlook is probably the most used productivity app for professionals—yet some more advanced tools are not used regularly.  With tips and usage demonstrations, this course will help you become more efficient and proactive by:

How to register

To view the schedule Outlook tips and tricks training schedule

To register: Outlook tips and tricks training registration



If you cannot attend the workshop you are scheduled for, please use the cancel link in the confirmation email to free your spot for someone else.
