*About: DocuSign eSignature

Service overview | Who can use it | How to request & access | Cost | Availability | FAQs | Best practices & policies | Training & documentation | Support
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This service is currently being offered as a pilot project. See the How to request & access section below for details on making a request to be part of this pilot.

Service overview

An electronic signature or eSignature is a digital version of a handwritten signature and is a legal way of getting consent or approval on electronic documents or forms.

DocuSign eSignature is the solution chosen by McGill for the pilot project. This technology lets you put a signature on a document without having to scan, print, sign, and fax. Instead, you can simply view documents online and add your signature electronically or add your signature to a document that someone has emailed you.

DocuSign can help you facilitate the signing process for standard agreements when you have many signatures to collect. It is also useful when you need to gather signatures from people external to McGill.

What DocuSign should not be used for

Who can use it

This pilot project is available to selected users (students, faculty and staff members) who need to use eSignature for work purposes.

Users selected are expected to test a potential eSignature solution, describe their use case, and provide helpful feedback on their eSignature experience.

How to request & access the service

Before you make a request to use the service, consult the decision chart.

To make a request, fill out the request form and enter “DocuSign pilot request” under the Request summary. Under Details, explain why you need to use this service.

You will be contacted to set up a meeting to assess your need and validate your acceptance for the pilot.

Log into DocuSign

When you have been approved for this pilot, to access DocuSign go to: https://account.docusign.com

  1. Enter your McGill Username and click Continue.
  2. Click on Use Company Login
  3. You will be directed to the Microsoft Authentication page.
  4. Enter your McGill Username and McGill Password.


There is no cost associated with this service, but usage will be limited to a given number of transactions, as the number of licenses available is limited during the pilot.


The service is available 24 X 7, except during planned maintenance or outages. Check the home page of the IT Support site for announcements.

During the pilot phase, all eSignature features may not be available and/or may be restricted (limited number of licenses available).

Frequently asked questions

If I send a document through DocuSign, is it more secure than sending my signed document via email?

As DocuSign authentication relies on email, it has the same level of security for anyone using a McGill email address.

Find more FAQs on the DocuSign support site.

Best practices & policies

Training & documentation


Contact the IT Service Desk for help with access/authentication issues.