As of February 2022, Teams meeting recordings will expire after 1 year if no action is taken. There is no change to the expiry of recordings created before February 2022. For more information, see the section Manage the expiration of a Teams meeting recording, below
Target audience: Students, faculty and staff members
Any Teams meeting or call can be recorded to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. The recording happens in the cloud and is saved so you can share it securely in OneDrive and SharePoint. This article explains how recordings are stored and how to manage their expiration date.
Some benefits of using OneDrive and SharePoint to store Teams meeting recordings include:
In this article:
For Teams meetings created in Outlook, or outside of Teams channel, the meeting recording is stored in the OneDrive account of the person who started the recording, in a folder named “Recordings”.
People invited to the meeting can access the recording by clicking on the Chat history of the meeting in Teams.
For meeting invitations created through a Teams channel, the meeting recording is stored in the SharePoint library of the Team channel in a folder named “Recordings”.
During the meeting, any participants can click on Start recording to have it stored on SharePoint.
People invited to the meeting can access the recording by clicking on the chat history of the meeting in Teams.
For Teams meeting recordings stored in OneDrive:
For Teams meeting recordings stored in SharePoint:
Starting in February 2022, all Teams meeting recordings stored in OneDrive or SharePoint will automatically expire 1 year after they are recorded if no action is taken.
NOTE: All recordings created before February 2022 are not affected and have no expiry date.
Upon expiration, the video recording will be moved to the OneDrive or SharePoint recycle bin and the expiration date cleared. The file owner will receive an email notification with the possibility to recover the recording if they wish.
If the recording is recovered, it will not be deleted by this feature again since the expiration date has been cleared, unless the user sets a new expiration date. Read more about expiry notifications in the FAQ "How will I be notified about a file’s expiration?"
Anyone with edit and delete permissions on the recording can modify the expiration date in OneDrive or SharePoint:
For more details on recording expiration, see the FAQs, below.
I was using the feature Transcript in French with MS Stream, is this available in OneDrive/SharePoint?
Yes. The multi-language transcript feature can now be generated in multiple languages (27 languages including Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish) on OneDrive/SharePoint.
How will I be notified about a file’s expiration?
Can the expiration date be set per file (e.g., File A is set to expire in 30 days and File B is set to expire in 60 days)?
Yes, the expiration date is set per file. Users can modify the expiration date in the Details pane of a selected file in OneDrive or SharePoint (see screenshot, above).
Is a recording’s expiration date affected if I move, copy, or download and re-upload the file to a different location or site?
The expiration date is only retained for a moved file. For a copied or downloaded and re-uploaded file, the expiration date will be cleared.
Is a recording’s expiration date affected if the file is accessed or played?
No, files will still expire even if the file has been recently accessed or played.