Target audience: McGill faculty and staff who have been authorized to access FAMIS.
In this article:
Follow these instructions to access FAMIS on the remote portal (also known as “containment” site).
VPN is required if you are not already on the campus network.
You should now see the FAMIS application and have access to the functionality you need.
The containment site is a separate computer, and you are not permitted to save files to it. However, your when you use the browse function to save or upload files to FAMIS, your mapped network drives (C:, G:, F:, H:, …) from your McGill-managed workstation will be available to you.
When opening and viewing Reports in Excel, you will see a warning message saying the file format and extension do not match. Click Yes, to continue to open the file.
When the file opens, it will be in the Excel application running on the containment server (not your local computer). You will notice that the application icon on your task bar has a special badge on it so that you can distinguish between the remote version and Excel application running locally on your computer:
From the containment site you may print documents to the uPrint campus printing service. You can then log into any printer on campus to release your print job.
When saving files from FAMIS, browse to one of your mapped network drives (e.g., C:, F:, G:, R:, etc.). DO NOT save files locally on the containment site (e.g. Documents, Desktop, etc.)
For those who need to upload/attach documents to FAMIS (e.g., to Work Orders), make sure your files are available on your computer's C: drive or other mapped network drives so that you can access them from the containment site.
When opening in Excel, you may see a warning message saying the file format and extension do not match. Click Yes, to continue to open the file.
... or Save the report as an Excel file to one of your mapped network drives:
When saving an Excel report you will see a Restrictions message indicating that the operation has been cancelled.
Click OK (the restrictions message may appear again) but you will eventually continue to a file browser window, where you can select one of your mapped network drives.
DO NOT save the files to the C: drive, Desktop, or Documents folders on the containment site.
From the Service Request tab, you can make requests for services provided by Facilities and Space Management (e.g., adjustments to heating & cooling, lighting, furniture, etc.).
Use the Search menu to view previous requests that you have made.
Click Create New Request and progress through the steps of the Wizard:
Select the Facilities Request for your campus first, and only choose Create your own request if you don’t find anything in those predefined categories.