* About: Teams Phone

Service overview | Moving from Webex Callling to Teams Phone | Training & Documentation | Additional references | Cost | Availability | FAQs | Known Issues | Support

Service overview


Migration from Webex Calling to Teams Phone

In December 2024, Webex softphone users are being migrated to Teams Phone. To get started with Teams Phone, see the Moving from Webex Calling to Teams Phone section and the Migration from Webex to Teams Phone FAQ. 

Teams Phone is a Microsoft Calling plan that combines the functionalities of Microsoft Teams and a cloud-based phone system that allows you to access phone functions such as external calls, call forwarding, voicemail and more. 

Moving from Webex Calling to Teams Phone

In December 2024, Webex softphone users are being migrated to Teams Phone. After receiving an email notification that the migration is complete, you should see the dial pad in the Calls tab in the Teams app. However, we recommend restarting your computer and/or closing and opening the Teams app after you receive notice of your completed migration.

Once migrated, you can immediately make and receive calls using the same phone number you had with Webex. Webex call capabilities are disabled, but the Webex app will remain on your computer.

After migration, the only required action on your end is to configure your voicemail. Follow the Configuring your Teams Phone voicemail procedure below.

See the Migration from Webex to Teams Phone FAQ below. If you have questions, please contact the IT Service Desk. 


You may receive an email from Microsoft with the subject line “You now have Audio Conferencing for Microsoft Teams – Here is your dial-in information and PIN.” This is not phishing. For users with an A5 license, Teams Phone includes an Audio Conferencing feature that allows users to join the audio portion of meetings from anywhere using a dial-in number.  


Configuring your Teams Phone voicemail

To configure your Teams Phone voicemail:

  1. In the Teams app, select Settings and moreSelect to see more options next to your profile picture at the top of the screen.
  2. Choose  SettingsSettings gear iconCalls
  3. Choose  Manage voicemail
  4. To record a new voicemail greeting, select Record a greeting and follow the instructions to record your message. 
  5. By default, Teams will play your voicemail greeting and allow the caller to record a message. To change how calls are handled once they reach your voicemail, go to Call answer rules to select one of these options:
    • Let the caller record a message.
    • Let the caller record a message or be transferred to someone else.
    • End the call without playing your greeting.
    • Play your greeting and end the call.
    • Transfer the call to someone else. You will need to set the name or number where you want your calls to go under Where should they be transferred?

There is a Microsoft video about Configuring and accessing your voicemail.

Training & Documentation

Microsoft has procedure documentation outlining how to perform common tasks in Teams Phone, including: 



Other functionality

Additional references from Microsoft

How-to Videos


There is no cost associated with this service.


The service is available 24 X 7, except during planned maintenance or outages. Check the home page of the IT Support site for announcements.

Frequently asked questions

This FAQ is divided into the following categories:


What is Teams Phone?
Teams Phone is a Microsoft Calling plan that combines the functionalities of Microsoft Teams and a cloud-based phone system that allows you to access phone functions such as external calls, call forwarding, voicemail and more.

How is a Teams Phone "call" different from an internal Teams "call"? How do I know if I'm a phone or an internal call?
If you are getting a call from an external number, you will see (External) next to the name or number in the caller ID.

Do I need to dial 9 to make external calls?
No. You can directly dial external numbers.

Can I make long-distance calls within Canada and North America?
Yes. You can make long-distance calls within Canada and North America without additional charges.

Can I make international (overseas) calls?
You will need to obtain authorization from the Telephone Coordinator in your unit. If you already received authorization to make international calls using Webex, you do not need to request another re-authorization; simply dial "011" following the country code.

If I'm off-campus, do I need to connect to VPN to make external calls?
No. Teams Phone works over the Internet, so if you have an Internet connection, you can make external calls from anywhere without the need to connect to a VPN.

Are there “do not disturb” options?
When your status is set to “Do not disturb” in Teams you won’t receive notifications for messages or calls.

Will I receive an incoming call while presenting in Teams?
No. Your status will automatically change to Do Not Disturb in the Teams app and incoming calls will be directed to your voicemail or to your configured destination (i.e. forward to another person, etc.).

Is there a ring delay when placing an external call?
Yes. There is a seven- to 10-second delay before the call starts ringing.

Can I use the phones in the collaboration (meeting, classroom, labs) rooms to make external calls via Teams Phone?
No. Phones in the collaboration rooms will remain on Webex.

Can I use my Cisco headset when using Teams Phone?
Yes. You will be able to use your softphone headset while using Teams Phone.

I’m a telephone coordinator. How do I add new users?
The process for adding new users is unchanged. Telephone coordinators will need to fill out the form in SNOW to request a new phone setup.

How will we cancel phone numbers when employees leave McGill?
IT Services will handle the cancellation of phone numbers.

Migration from Webex to Teams Phone

I have been migrated from Webex to Teams Phone. What actions do I need to take?
The only required action is configuring your voicemail. See Configuring your Teams Phone voicemail After you receive notice of completed migration, we recommend restarting your computer and/or closing and reopening the Teams app.

I was migrated, but I don’t see the Teams Phone functionality.
Quit the Teams app and reopen it. If that doesn’t work, restart your computer.

I received an email from Microsoft with the subject line “You now have Audio Conferencing for Microsoft Teams – Here is your dial-in information and PIN.” Is it legitimate?
Yes. For users with an A5 license, Teams Phone includes an Audio Conferencing feature that allows users to join the audio portion of meetings from anywhere using a dial-in number. This Microsoft article explains how to use Audio Conferencing for Teams.

What happens with my Webex app once I am migrated to Teams Phone?
You will still be able to log in to the Webex app, but you will no longer be able to use Webex to make phone calls or organize meetings.

Do I need to re-download the Teams app to access Teams Phone?
No. Teams Phone functionality will be available after migration without requiring any additional downloads or installations. After you receive notice of completed migration, we recommend restarting your computer and/or closing and reopening the Teams app.

Will I still have the same Webex phone number in Teams Phone?
Yes. Your phone number will not change.

Can I still use the Webex application while on Teams Phone?
No. If you have been migrated to Teams Phone, Webex will be disabled.

What should I use instead of Webex Meetings?
Microsoft Teams provides workspace chat and videoconferencing. You can invite people from within McGill as well as external guests.

Will this transition impact the use of Cisco CCX call centers? 
No. Cisco CCX call centers will not be migrated to Teams Phone.

Can I make international calls with Teams Phone?
If you already received authorization for international calls on Webex, you do not need to request another re-authorization. Simply dial "011" following the country code.

How does the migration affect departmental numbers?
Departmental numbers are typically physical phones as they are not attached to individuals. Physical phones are excluded from the migration.

Will physical phones be migrated to Teams Phone at a later date?
Currently, there is no schedule to migrate physical phones.

We have an on-call number that's programmed as a second number in Webex for a few users. Those users could each modify the forwarding of that number to the cell phone of whichever staff duty is on call. Will that still be possible?
Yes, this can be done on Teams.

If I enabled a certain feature in Webex, like "send all calls to voicemail," will that setting be automatically carried over to Teams Phone?
No, you will have to set up that feature again in Teams. See Configuring your Teams Phone voicemail

Are Cisco phones used for videoconferencing affected by the migration?
If it is a physical phone, it is not being migrated. Otherwise, video calls work the same way in Teams.


Will I receive email notifications of voicemail messages?
Yes, Teams Phone will send you an email with the voicemail audio and text transcription.

Why am I not getting voicemails?
You need to configure your voicemail so that all incoming calls are routed to your voicemail. See Configuring your Teams Phone voicemail

Why are my calls being redirected to voicemail without ringing when internal McGill staff attempt to contact me? 
To receive internal calls , update your call answering rules. Open Teams app > "..." > Settings > Calls > Select "Calls ring to me."

Mobile devices

Does Teams Phone functionality also appear in the smartphone Teams app?
Yes. The call tab will appear on your Teams app.

Are there do-not-disturb options for the users that keep Teams open on their mobiles?
When your status is set to “Do not disturb” in Teams, you won’t receive notifications for messages or calls, which will allow you to focus without interruptions.

If I try to answer a Teams Phone call on my personal mobile device, will I need to authenticate via biometrics or PIN to answer?
No, you will be able to answer without entering your biometrics or PIN.

Hunt groups

How do we make changes to a hunt group and its members?
Hunt group members will be able to make the changes on their own through the Teams app.

Will second lines and hunt groups automatically be migrated from Webex to Teams Phone?

If a member of a hunt group has a physical phone, will the hunt group be migrated to Teams Phone?
No, the group will not be migrated.

Can I use Teams Phone if I am part of a hunt group?
Yes. Similar functions of a hunt group will be available while using Teams Phone.

If I am a part of a hunt group, will I have access to the voicemails in our shared mailbox?
No. To view or listen to your hunt group's voicemails, you will need to access them through your hunt group's Teams channel. Through this channel you will have access to call history and read/listen to voicemail.

Credit card information

Can I use Teams Phone to collect credit card information?
No, neither Teams Phone nor Webex should be used to collect credit card information. We recommend using a Bell business line instead. Contact us using the  General Request Form if you need any guidance.

Can I use Teams Phone to give out credit card information?
Yes, but not to collect that information. Please see Can I use Teams Phone to collect credit card information? above.

Known issues

  • Configuring your voicemail is necessary; otherwise, incoming calls will not be routed to your voicemail. See Configuring your Teams Phone voicemail
  • Screen sharing may not be consistently accessible during all calls. For instance, while initiating the call, you won't be able to share your screen; however, the recipient can. Once the recipient initiates screen sharing, the caller can then do the same.
  • If you are part of a hunt group, a call can only be directed to you if your status is set to "available" in Teams.  



If you require assistance or need to report an issue, please complete the Telephone Issue Form or for any other questions, please fill out the General Request Form